
Cancer, Alzheimer’s, and Social Media

Lately there have been a lot of things on my mind. My mother was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease, my wife has had roughly a bazillion eye surgeries (okay, maybe 3) and I was working on a major business deal that potentially could change my life – that has been put off till May of 2013. I have had ups and down, doctors appointments, and tears – the Summer of 2012 has been a corn maze of surprises, haunts, and breaking news. While all of this has been going on lurking in the background has been some wonderful news. Social Impressions maintains a positive growth rate with new and wonderful client’s, the hospitality industry is on a positive growth swing, and I am still cancer free. Everyday that the sun floats above the clouds is a another day to be thankful for all I have and just how lucky I am.

Reflecting back on these last 9 months has led me to set some goals for the next 9 months. The first of which is I would like to see if my wife and I can have a child before my mother looses her ability to remember him. My mother offers a type of love that every child should experience and thus far all 3 of my older brother’s have had the good fortune to plop a grandson (or granddaughter) in my mother’s arms – I want to be able to do the same. The granddogs are great but my mom mentions us popping out a child fairly often and I know she is worried that she might not remember my son if he doesn’t make the trip soon. (You may be asking why I am only referring to a boy? That is simply because Pride’s are prone to the male children so far there are a total of 7 of us…and only 1 girl).

My second goal for these next nine months is that I want to begin to talk more about the crazy health experiences I have been able to deal with in a more public fashion. I want to speak at large events more often and offer insight and motivation to live the life you’ve always imagined. With my mother’s recent diagnosis I am beginning to realize just how many people are going through some sort of crazy life experience and perhaps my jagged past can offer hope. I truly believe God has allowed me to go through all this to help others when they are going through some heavy moments.

My third goal for these next nine months is to take the suggestion my father offered while we sat at the beautiful Bug Light State Park, “Let’s sit and let the wind blow.” I want to take time these next nine months to simply sit and let the wind blow. To reflect on all the wonderful things I have been blessed with and prepare for the blessings to come. I believe my wife, my family, and my business are on an upswing – and I’m excited to have my social media community play a part in it. If you want to play a role in this I would love to hear from you. Looking for a speaker/trainer for a marketing event that needs to learn the lessons that Cancer taught me about marketing and community building? I’d love to be there. Have a friend who just got some tough news, I’d love to help out and lend an ear.

Enough about me, what do you want to accomplish in these next nine months?

“Living Well is the Best Revenge.”